Yesterday, my sister shared a great experiment with me. I can't wait to try it with the girls. The whole family is off tomorrow for Good Friday, so we are going to have some "eggy" fun together!
Dying eggs with Onion peels
For this experiment, you will need the following:
brown onion peels
pieces of cloth
rubber bands
1. Wrap your raw egg(s) in onion peels (I researched this and some websites say to soak the peels first. I'm going to try it both ways and see what happens!)
2. Then, wrap the egg in a piece of cloth.
3. Next,place rubber bands around the egg.
4. Put eggs in boiling water until cooked through.
5. Take the eggs out and put in a bowl of cold water.
6. Once cooled, unwrap your eggs to see the surprise.
Before doing this experiment, make predictions with your children about what they will think will happen. Ask questions to get them thinking and discuss. Once the experiment is complete, compare the results with their original hypothesis and discuss.
This website has instructions- a little bit different than the instructions that I shared above. It also has great pictures of the results!
Vegetable Gardener
If you'd like to extend this activity and try different natural dyes from blueberries to spinach, you'll have to visit this site! Great resource.
Here you'll find an awesome podcast that shows you how to dye eggs with natural dyes. Watch as eggs are dyed with red cabbage- very cool!
To learn more about the history of dying eggs, visit this link. Her you'll find Easter egg dying from different cultures as well. Can't wait to share this with my girls.
If you try this experiment with your kids or any other egg experiments, please share!
Happy Thursday!
The photo used above is from curbly.com.
Great Blog :)
I'll have to remember this next year. I love the colours & it is so hard to dye the brown eggs here in Australia. This would work well.
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