Little hands that love to grow
Plenty of cucumbers
Little bunnies
Strange creatures(tomato horn worm? Yep!)
Way too many jalapeno peppers (any recipes??)
Little watermelons that don't taste very good
Excitement, Joy, Learning!
This was our very first garden and what an exciting summer we've had finding new discoveries and watching our plants grow! It was so rewarding for us to grow our own food. Daily, our girls would ask to pick and eat veges from their very own garden!! Actually, it was pretty low maintenance- we didn't really do anything fancy- a little bit of soil with fertilizer, a little bit of weeding, added a couple of marigolds, H20, God's sun and a little love from the little ones!!
Ideas for gardening and to inspire learning:
-read books about gardening
-discuss how different things grow on trees, under the ground and play a guessing game to see if your child knows where different fruits and veges grow.
-look up info on critters you find in your garden. (need to find our more about that strange worm we found- has eggs on her back, too!)
-check out Kid's websites on gardening. See below!
Happy Gardening and I hope that you enjoyed our most recent photos and discoveries! We're looking forward to trying to grow something new next Spring. What did you grow or discover in your garden this year?
1 comment:
Oh, what fun! Your garden looks wonderful & the girls are having so much fun! Don't think that I could stomach the jalopanas (sp?) though!
Hopefully next year we will have time to plant one! Oh, btw, thanks for the comment on how your little girl has a Spiderman b-day party. I think it's wonderful that you "went with" what she wanted and not something "girly." I'm the same way with my daughters. I try to encourage them to like both boy & girl things...even if they're creepy! LOL
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