I'd love to play on the computer all day in between taking care of baby, because I do love posting ideas and reading all of your wonderful blogs, but my house is falling apart. Yesterday, a neighbor came over to talk. Embarrassed, I moved the unfolded laundry aside and pointed out where my baby was lying lost in the toy clutter. The kids dirty dishes on the table, I could just cry. So I humbled myself and listened as a neighbor needed me, hoping she would just ignore the mess surrounding us. To make a long story short, I'm going to focus on my house today, because I haven't been motivated to keep up with it lately and now it is time. Today is the time- Today is Cleaning Day! Before I clean, I'll let you be a fly on the wall in my home. Here's what's been going on in the
Creative and Curious Kids household this week!
Peanut- sick- missed a day of school
Sunshine- sick- missed two days of school and has needed breathing treatments for asthma
Little Man- he's coughing as well and keeping us up at night, also starting to teeth
Mom- root canal on Tuesday- yippee! lol
Dad- working overtime to pay for our root canals. He had his last week! :(
Okay- now on a more positive note- the fun going on here-
Books- reading The Cabin Faced West to the kiddos
Peanut- reading a bunch of easy readers to practice her beginning reading
Sunshine- reading her second book from series - Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Little man- reading his favorite baby books to him and singing rhymes, he found his toes and having fun playing with them on the floor as he rolls around :)
Computer-researching Alabama, Texas, and Colorado (3 postcards we got this week), playing
Webkinz and PBS kids
DS time- brain age, fashion game, and Nintendo dogs
Creative time- creating a museum with state artifacts based on states research, using imagination to play fashion divas, spy, and waitress. Pet shop play. Color Fillz- Mosaic Art clay project
Outdoor time- Captain midnight, running, and hula hoop with neighborhood kids (I counted 10 in my yard last night) That's a lot of kiddos!
Well, enjoy your day! Time for me to get moving!!