Just a few ideas that I thought were awesome on Pinterest!
First Night Hats
Family Fun
Kid's New Year Party Craft
Paper and Cake
Countdown Goodie Bags
Hoosier Homemade
Unfortunately, I work this evening, so won't be able to do too much with the kiddos. Party hats may happen before I go to work- we'll see how the day goes! I'd love to hear about any fun you may be having with your little ones today.
Enjoy your New Year's Eve and many blessings into the New Year. I'm hoping to make it home in time for my midnight kiss!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Christmas Memories...
Hello. I'm back! I took a little break from blogging to enjoy the Christmas season and to plan for festivities, such as little man's birthday party. He turned 2 this week! I thought I'd post a few of our Christmas pics and then later this week, I'll share little man's cookie monster party!
Cookie baking.....
Aunt Patty's- Christmas Eve
Monday, December 12, 2011
December Happenings....
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Wordless Wednesday: Christmas Charades
Just a quick round of Christmas Charades! Take a guess...... (answers at bottom of post).
Okay, Let's see how you did!
Photo #1-a Christmas tree with and angel on top
Photo #2-Rudolph (only in my house. lol)
Photo #3- another reindeer (in camo)
Just a peek into my silly and creative household! For more ideas for Christmas Charades, be sure to check out this post.
Happy Wordless Wednesday!
For more W.W., be sure to visit...
Merry Christmas,
Monday, December 5, 2011
The 12 Days of Fitness....
The kids and I had a blast doing these exercises to the tune of The Twelve Days of Christmas. I found it on a nutrition site. Be sure to check it out below.
It's fun and it gets your heart rate going for sure!
The Twelve Days of Fitness
....5 Hula Hoops!!!!
Enjoy your day!
Friday, December 2, 2011
The Nightengale by Amy Short
Isn't this illustration just beautiful? It was created by a friend of mine who also is a talented artist. I just love it! Although it could be for any time of year, it reminded me of Christmas, so I wanted to share. To find our more information about Amy's work or to make a purchase, be sure to stop by her site.
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