Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Predator and Prey?

The spider and the fly... Sunshine girl must be the spider and Peanut her prey.  Eeeek!

We had a really good time recently at our local zoo.  It was such a beautiful day- this is the play area that they have for the kids. 
I can't help but share a cute pic of little man, too!  So here goes.........
Awe- look at him on the mushroom!- my little guy.

Happy Wordless Wednesday!
For more W.W., be sure to visit..



MaryAnne said...

Great pictures! Your son looks so sweet, and the girls on the web really do look like a spider and its prey!

Anonymous said...

That is so cool. Found you by Wordless Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

This looks like such fun. My son would love to be the spider!

Colette S said...

I love that web!! I bet it's so much fun! The kids are enjoying it.

And little man is just adorable.

I think now is the perfect time for the zoo here too. The heat is down and we can actually walk around and enjoy it instead of just sweating buckets.

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