Skeleton can't get rid of his annoying hiccups no matter what he does in the adorable book by Margery Cuyler- Skeleton hiccups. This is such a fun book and perfect for this time of year.
Luckily, Skeleton has a good friend, Ghost, who is there to help him solve his problem. Will Skeleton get rid of his hiccups? If so, how does Ghost help him? Read Skeleton hiccups to find out and then have fun doing one of these skeleton activities that I found on the web.
Mr. Bones: My 5 year old tried to help me with this online activity. I wasn't very good at putting Mr. Bones back together again! This is a fun activity, probably best for older children, that also teaches the names of the different bones in the body.
Macaroni skeleton at kid's domain
SkeletonEducator Guide Awesome Educator's Guide- great information for older children as well as a neat macaroni skeleton activity. Links to lots of skeleton resources and activities.
3D Skeleton Mobile- Love this one! I need to start collecting boxes though if I want to do this- Halloween is just around the corner.
How about a fun Halloween song? To download the spooky song, Scary Skeleton from Boo, Cackle, Trick or Treat by Sue Schnitzer,visit freekidsmusic.com.
