Of course, we can't do art as good as
Eric Carle in our household, but you can't blame us for trying can ya? I've always adored his illustrations.

Some of my favorite books include
The Very Hungry Caterpillar,
The Very Quiet Cricket, and the
The Very Busy Spider. Using the method of collage,
Eric Carle creates the most colorful illustrations. He does this by first painting papers. We really enjoyed the process of painting our own papers.
(I can't take the credit for this idea- it was actually a project assigned by Abby's art teacher, but I loved the idea and wanted to share!)First, you create papers using a variety of media, such as watercolors, fingerpaints, crayons, or markers.

As the papers are drying, the next step is to plan the illustration. (sketching a rough draft)

The final step is to cut out shapes, experiment with them, and then glue them on construction paper to complete the illustration.
Sunshine did a wonderful job creating her cat illustration. (above photo)
Visit the photo and video gallery at
http://www.eric-carle.com to view Eric Carle creating his papers and illustrations. Great way to show our children real art in action!
Have a wonderful and creative day!