It's quite difficult to get Peanut to go anywhere without Bun, Bun. As she gets older, I have been limiting her time with her fluffy friend.
"Leave him in the car, so he doesn't get lost" or
"Leave Bun, Bun in your bed."

Sometimes though, she sneaks him out without me even realizing it. He's been around so long, so Bun, Bun just seems like part of the family.
Well, our tragedy occurred last Friday. We took a short walk by Sunshine's old Elementary School. When we arrived home, Bun Bun was nowhere to be found. Bun Bun was MISSING! Peanut searched every room of our house!
Friday night- no Bun, Bun.
Saturday- No Bun, Bun.
Sunday- No Bun, Bun.
Monday Morning- Still no Bun, Bun!
I thought for sure this was it. He was a goner!
You'd think I'd be happy about this, but I actually felt a little sad. I passed on my childhood bear to Sunshine, so why shouldn't Peanut be able to keep Bun, Bun forever??

Monday afternoon, I was taking a nap when I heard a loud screech. Then the patter of little feet running up the steps. It was Peanut with good news- "Bun, Bun!!" Luckily, he was recovered by her cousin who found him lying on the ground near the school! Woo, Hoo!
He was home, but boy did he stink. Smelling like he had been lying in mud- in the rain for days, the girls decided to give him a well needed bath. That's all he needed after his horrible experience- a little tender lovin' care!

Bun Bun having fun in the dryer!!

At last clean and reunited. This was our real-life Knuffle Bunny!

We just love the above "Knuffle Bunny" books by Mo Willems! Be sure to check out the fabulous review over at
Make and Takes: What's Your Child's "Knuffle Bunny"?I'm really proud of Peanut and how she handled the long weekend without Bun, Bun. If she was two, there wouldn't of been a soul asleep in our home. Trust me, I've been there! She must be maturing.
Awwwww! My peanut is growing up!
Have a great day- read a book and snuggle your child's Knuffle Bunny! :)