Our math theme this week is money. We've been having fun counting pennies, nickels, and dimes. One of the activities that was provided by Sunshine's Cyberschool was Coin Bingo. We had a lot of fun playing this and I was able to involve Peanut with assistance. Although, I didn't come up with this great idea, I wanted to share so others could have fun learning with their kids!
Materials needed: a blank Bingo Board, pennies, dimes, and nickels, Clues
Have your child randomly arrange pennies, nickels, and dimes on their board.
Read each clue. Check your child's answers to be sure that they covered the correct coin. (I didn't have the girls cover their coins- I just had them take them off. They were able to get a BINGO with 5 blank spaces on their board.) The game continues until someone gets a BINGO.
Clues (repeat as necessary or make up your own clues)
* Find a coin that is copper in color
* Find a coin that is the thickest of these three coins
* Find a coin that has ridges on the edge
* Find a coin that is worth the least amount, but not the smallest in size
* Find a coin that is worth more than a penny, but less than a dime
* Find a coin that is worth two nickels
* Find a coin that has Abe Lincoln's picture on it
* Find a coin that is worth 5 pennies
* Find a coin that is the thinnest
My girls also used the poem below to help them identify the coins:

Money, Money!
Penny, penny, easily spent.
Copper brown and worth one cent.
Nickel, nickel, thick and fat.
You're worth five cents and I know that.
Dime, dime, little and thin.
I remember you're worth ten.
Quarter, quarter, big and bold.
You're worth twenty-five cents I'm told.
Other activities with money:
Pretend store: you can easily put together a simple store with items around your house. Use little scraps of paper to label the prices of each items. Role play- customer and store keeper. Doesn't have to be fancy for the kids to have fun. I've thrown this together in 5 minutes with fruit from the kitchen and the kids had a blast!
Explore Foreign Currency:
If you've traveled or have a coin collection, share coins from around the world with your child. My girls love learning about different cultures, so they think it's cool to see other countries' currency.
Money and Coin Activities: Enchanted Learning
Stay tuned for Quarters and Dollars next week!! We're advancing to the big bucks!
Happy Counting!!