Yum!! Who can't resist a Hershey kiss?? I wish I invented this little drop of heaven!! Every Christmas when I was a little girl, my mother would make Hershey Kiss wreaths with us. I can remember looking at that little wreath on the tree and wanting to eat it before Christmas arrived. What a great lesson in patience! This year, my husband and I made them with our girls! They loved talking about how their mommy made these when she was a little girl with their special Grammy! It is so simple and be sure to have some extra kisses on hand to eat while you are creating!
Materials: a bag of Hershey Kisses, curling ribbon, a piece of cardboard, Aluminum foil, glue
1. Draw or trace a 4 inch circle onto cardboard. Cut out.
2. Next, cut out a circle in the center to make the shape of small wreath- with enough space to glue Hershey kisses around it.
3. Cover the cardboard wreath with aluminum foil.
4. Glue red, silver,and green Hershey kisses around the wreath.(put just a small dab of glue on the bottom of each kiss. Let dry.
5. Tie a piece of ribbon on the wreath.
6. Let your child hang their Hershey Kiss Wreath on your Christmas tree or give to someone special for a gift!!
Have a Very Merry Christmas filled with lots of chocolate and
have fun celebrating the birth of Jesus with your families!!