Translation of the award:“This blog invests and believes, the proximity”(meaning, that blogging makes us ‘close’ -being close through proxy) I have taken this to mean a feeling of community.”
She recently received this award and I'm honored to be a part of her community. Okay, my speech is over. Well, not yet- I need to thank my husband, my kids, my family, my best friends, my teaching colleagues, my neighbors, my pet frogs, my past students......Ha, Ha!! Now, I'm going to spread the LOVE!! Here are my recipients of this prestigious Portuguese "community" award:
Preschool Playbook
Way Up High in the Monkey Bread Tree
Razor Family Farms
Artwork by Amy Short
Stay at Home Mom Sisters
Congratulations, ladies!!! Feel free to pass this along, just be sure to include the translation with the award. Have a great day!!

Aww! Thank you, Jen! You are so sweet! I'm glad that you're my blogging buddy, too!
Blessings and thanks!
P.S. Congratulations on your award! You rock! I adore your blog!
Thank you Jen!! I'm so fortunate to have met you and now you've even given me an award. Soooo nice of you! I shall spread the joy!
Congrats on yours too!
See you soon.
Wonderful speech! And you deserve it! I love visiting your blog! You inspire me to be more creative :-)
Thanks for the award! We love your blog too! One of the Sahm Sisters faves!:)
Thanks SO MUCH! I've really been enjoying your blog since I found it through Parenting Pink! You have so many creative ideas and I love knowing that you too have two girls! I will get around to "passing it on" after the long weekend. We are heading out of town for some rest and relaxation and hopefully some apple-picking! Hope you enjoy your weekend too!
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