Oscar and Olive Osprey: A Family Takes Flight, by Janie Suss, is the true story of two ospreys that build a nest in front of the author's Chesapeake Bay home. It is written in a way that is both enjoyable for adults and children. My daughters were intrigued by the story and asked me to continue reading as I finished each chapter. The very first evening, we completed seven chapters. Even my husband sat with us to hear more about the adventures of Oscar and Olive and their offspring. It was wonderful to spend time as a family reading about this very special raptor family. The girls couldn't wait to hear about the new babies and were anxious to see photos of Olivia and Odie. It was neat to parallel this family with our own real-life experience. As we read about the ospreys preparing their nest as they waited for their offspring, we were preparing our "nest" as we waited for our new baby to be born.

When I first received the book in the mail and unwrapped it, I was slightly disappointed. Based on the appearance of the cover,I thought that it was a non-fiction book for adults and that my children wouldn't enjoy it. As I started reading the first chapter, I was pleasantly surprised. I recommend this book to parents, nature lovers, and teachers. It would make a great read-a-loud for the classroom or as a supplement to a Science unit. There are over 50 colorful illustrations throughout the book. At the end of the book, you will find fun facts, suggestions for book discussions, and a section titled Activities, Research, and Getting Involved.
To learn more about Janie Suss and her heartwarming story,
Oscar and Olive Osprey: A Family Takes Flight or to order an autographed copy of the book, be sure to visit
Happy Reading!
“Disclosure: I was provided with a copy of the book Oscar and Olive Osprey: A Family Takes Flight at no cost in order to review the product and give my own personal opinions on it. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but were not influenced by the author or the free product provided.”