1. Have your child create posters to welcome the new baby when he comes home. Post outside to share with neighbors waiting for the news. Look at the girls' creative masterpieces!
2. Prepare goody bags for siblings from the baby to hand out after the baby arrives. My bags are filled with activity books, markers, stickers. I may include some packets of snacks- crackers, etc.
3. Purchase lolly pops for the kids to pass out after the baby is born.
4. Let them know that baby can hear in the womb and give them the opportunity to sing lullubies.
5. Be sure that your child attends some of your appointments to hear baby's heartbeat. My girls enjoyed helping my midwife find the heartbeat and take my blood pressure. They also were at the first sonogram.
6. Every new big sibling needs a special badge to wear! Surprise your child when they come to visit their new brother or sister.
And don't forget about......
7. Read books to prepare little ones waiting for their new brother or sister. I didn't do this too much with my girls being they are older, but we did read a few titles such as Froggy's Baby Sister and The Berenstain Bears' New Baby. Other great titles include: A Baby for Grace and I'm a Big Sister.

8. Have your older child pick out a special book to read to the baby after it is born.
9. Have fun sharing new clothes and shopping for baby with the kids.
10. Depending on the age of your child, share details about what will be happening during labor. My 7 year old is just fascinated!
My girls prepared themselves by practicing with their baby dolls for the past nine months. Lots of feeding, diaper changing, and pretend burping has been going on around here.
Do you have any creative tips for involving siblings? If so, be sure to share!
Being that I am writing this post on the 27th, you can see that baby didn't make an appearance on his due date- Christmas Day! Patiently waiting for our new baby to arrive!
Have a wonderful day!
I can't believe you are still waiting! Wow!
Great post! I had B paint a canvas (abstract of course) with pinks and browns for the nursery. I am going to buy a gift from the baby to her big brother.
We've been doing a lot of reading and talking about how to be the best big brother but I'm still so nervous about the transition!
I really like the sign idea!
Looks like you guys are really prepared over there! Now all you need is Baby! My mom said I was supposed to be a Christmas baby. I decided to wait until New Year's. Hope you get to see your little one soon.
Take care.
I love your tips. How about letting the sibling(s) start a journal? They could begin by drawing pictures of what they think the baby will look like or what they would like to do with the baby someday.
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