Over the years, I have found writing on the walls, marker stained into my living room tables, and paint spills on the floor. I've told the family- this is the one thing I'd like to keep nice, so when I found the putty stuck into it- you should have seen my face!
Well, to make a long story short- after a half and hour of scraping, picking, wet-toweling, I actually got most of the putty off of the couch. My daughter's reaction-Sheeew-Thank goodness, I didn't want to have to do chores to get a new one!
If you have silly putty stuck somewhere around your house, even on your child, here are a couple of links with advice:
Remove Silly Putty from Carpet
Reomve Silly Putty from Hair
Silly putty- although a creative tool, is officially banned from my presence, for now anyways.
Have a great day!!
Thank goodness you were able to get most all out! My Ben...when he was two got into my black nail polish and it is still all over my couch! Let me just say that I feel your pain. :o)
Yikes! I'm not looking forward to moments like that...
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