I chose a few blogs that I've frequented before and then searched the web for a few new creative blogs.
Here are my winners:
The Creative (work at home) Mom
Filth Wizardry
Kid's Art Projects and Lessons at Ms. Julie's Place
Her Cup Overfloweth
Moments of Mommyhood
The Mom Creative
Today's Creative Blog
To accept this award, I am to write 7 things about me that others may not know, so here goes:
1. Baby boy due 12/25/2009. Christmas Blessing!
2. High School Sweetheart- Hubby. Shared over 20 years of life together!
3. Waitress on weekends even with this big belly.
4. Pets- 2 frogs.
5. Guilty pleasure- Grey's Anatomy
6. Life long struggle- organization and clutter
7. High School Job- Tastee-Freeze- cause of icecream addiction
Enjoy your day. Hope it is filled with many blessings!
Thank you so much for the award!
It really made my day.
Each baby seems to get just a little harder it seems. I'll be praying for you in these last weeks!
I'll be praying for you as well!
I can't wait to check out these other blogs that you chose!
Your due date is around the corner. How exciting. We are expecting a little girl in January. =)
Activity Mom- Little girls are fun! Now a boy will be a whole new ball game for me. January isn't too far away. Prayers for a healthy pregnancy.
Thanks so much!
Congrats girly on your award! Hope and your family are well! We've just finished a battle with swine flu, so at least we're on the mend! Have a great weekend!
Thank you so much! I am really looking forward to posting again soon!
Thanks! Much appreciated. And a great list of blogs. It is always wonderful to hear what other moms are doing. Thanks again for the award, and best of luck to your growing family! (CreativeMom)
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