There has also been a lot going on with them- soccer banquet, gymnastics, and just recently they participated in a talent show. Therefore, Mom got involved by volunteering which was a bit much at 8 months pregnant! And believe it or not, I'm still working on the weekends. And today, we waited 2 1/2 hours for a H1N1 vaccination. So there are my non-blogging excuses- I have more, but I'll decline from whining!
Anyways, here are a couple of things to look forward to on Creative and Curious Kids!
*The girls have been testing out a wonderful website created by JumpStart. I will be reviewing the site and giving away a 3 month membership- stay tuned.
*Also, we are reading a wonderful chapter book about the true story of a family of Ospreys. (Oscar and Olive Osprey: A Family Takes Flight) Can't wait to share more details about this book when we complete it.
*Talent Show photos of the girls- very cute!
All for now- time to sleep, again, that is if the little guy will let me.
Take Care!
Wow, only 4 1/2 weeks left. I can't believe it. It sounds like you are feeling well as you are very busy. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Take care
Hi Jen, it's Trish(again). I just realized my husband was signed in and I think my comment may have came through on his name--sorry.
I was just saying how amazing it is that you only have 4 1/2 weeks left. It's great to know you're feeling well.
Take care,
I am just getting to alot of my email, so sorry this is so late in coming!
Thank you so much for the award! Thank you for your prayers and I will be praying for you as well- since I am wondering if you already have your little one since this post is a more than a week old and now I only have 4 1/2 weeks to go as well!
God bless you and our family and enjoy the holidays and God's extra special Christmas gift!
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