Leave them a secret message! Place a small note wrapped in a napkin in your child's lunch box to let them know that you are thinking of them.
Each day of the first week of school, my girls got a different message in their lunch box. We referred to them as secret messages, which made it fun for them. Some ideas for notes: I love you, a big hug from mom, U R great, U R awesome, So proud of you, Hope your day is going well, etc. Decorate with little hearts or smiles. For early-readers, keep notes as simple as possible. They can also get help reading from an older sibling or friend.
Guess who the secret messenger is this week? Dad. He left the cutest notes for them this morning with stick figures of him holding their hands. So sweet!
Tip: Cut out little squares and make the notes ahead of time at the beginning of the week so that they are ready to go.
Have a great day blogger buddies!
1 comment:
When I pack lunches, I always write a little message on the napkin... This week I wrote Bobby a little message in the margin of his agenda.. He didn't find it til Tuesday after school and he was all smiles :)
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