Friday, September 14, 2012

Building with Large Blocks

Good Morning!  I just wanted to share a couple of pics of little man being creative and building with large cardboard blocks.  These blocks have outlasted 3 kids so far... bought them when my first was born and she's ten!  They are so great for so many reasons.. motor skills, creativity, story telling to name a few. 

If you are new to my blog, you'll have to check out Big Ben that my girls built many years ago! I think in 2008 to be exact.  I told you these blocks were old.  :)



  1. These blocks are so much fun! I wish we had them...

  2. We LOVE our set of these blocks... I do think we've had a couple destroyed though, a cousin was over and the play turned into Christmas play, which turned into ripping the blocks to pieces to get inside. Luckily I walked in before too much damage was done! I'm going to look at big ben now :)


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