Thursday, September 13, 2012

Purple Color Activities

At little man's request, we had a PURPLE day-Yeah.  We had fun playing with an all things purple tray. (see above)   We also explored purple flash cards from bright hub education featuring real life photos.

Color days are so much fun.  Try some of these activities...

Paint with purple paint
Using recyclables, dip the bottom of a jug in purple paint.  Stamp circles on the paper.  I did this with my little man age 2.5 and helped his buddy (age 1) with her project. We talked about the circle shape as well. I extended this activity with little man by mixing paint with him.  I squirted red and then blue and told him to watch what happens when they come together.  He thought it was pretty cool how red and blue creates a brand new color!

Be sure to watch out for any purple monsters while you are painting.  You never know when they might just appear!

Color with a purple crayon
The little one that I take care of.. age 1, loves to color.  She does such a great job for being just a little peanut.  Look at her artwork below!

Read books...

Create a Purple Yarn Puppy
I printed the doggy printable online.  You can draw your own dog if you'd like.  I actually got this idea from 365 Days of Creative Play by Sheila Ellison and Judith Gray.

Play with Purple Play-doh
I made mine by mixing red and blue that I had on hand, but I'm sure you can get creative with Kool-aid or food coloring if you are making homemade play-doh.

And don't forget about this guy...
the big purple dinosaur!

More purple ideas... be sure to share!

1 comment:

  1. What fun! Purple Little Bird is a cute story about purple too.


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!