Monday, September 17, 2012

Collage Activity: The Color Red

LM- age 33 months

We're exploring red this week, so I did a simple collage activity with the kids. You could add more to this if you wanted. We used tissue paper, ribbon, a crayon, and paint.

Other ideas: stickers, felt, scraps of red paper, red pom poms

LM loves to paint just about anything.  His hands, face, legs... I think you get the idea.  So he was more than happy to stamp his little hands on the page. He also likes to glue.  I may have him add more to his red collage this week.

AJ- age 1

AJ loves to color, but she wasn't too thrilled about me painting her little hand red.  But who can resist little hand prints.  So sweet. She liked helping me glue the tissue paper on her collage.

I hope that you are enjoying your week so far.



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