Monday, March 19, 2012

The Letter Ss Activites: Part 2

Sensory fun with Snakes with a Sssss sound and letter focus!
And now the reveal from our Ss painting project....

And one more surprise.....

A poem that I wrote for our little ones to enjoy!

           Five Silly Snakes 
Five silly snakes sliver by the shore,
Out jumps a bear and then there are... four.
Four silly snakes sliver by a tree,
Our jumps a skunk and then there are... three.
Three silly snakes don't know what to do,
One slithers away and then there are... two.
Two silly snakes laugh and have some fun,
Out jumps a fox and then there is... one.
One silly snake is feeling all alone,
Until he sees the other snakes
Have slithered...
All the way home!

Have a SUPER day!

1 comment:

  1. My little guy would love these! Thanks so much for linking up to Kid's Co-op!


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!