Tuesday, March 20, 2012

First Day of Spring Activities

Happy Spring!! 

What are you doing today to celebrate Spring?  We will be spending as much time as possible outside.  It is a BEAUTIFUL Spring day in our neck of the woods.  Little man just asked me for bubbles- so I guess that's #1 on our list! 
#2 picnic lunch
#3 bike riding- the girls are sporting early birthday presents- brand, spankin' new bikes.  They are so excited!!  They've always had hand-me down bikes from cousins, so this is a big deal to have something of their own. 

Well, if we make it indoors today, maybe we'll try out a couple of these Spring activities.....

Flower Mask from DLTK

Egg Shell Plant Pots 
from Enchanted Learning

Enjoy your day and thanks for reading!

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