Saturday, January 19, 2013

Jj is for Jellyfish

Little man and his buddy have been having fun every Friday working on an Alphabet art book.  I found the idea over at the blog..All Our Days and it has been such a wonderful resource.  This past Friday, we worked on Jj is for Jellyfish.  For our art activity, we created a jellyfish with paper plates cut in half, markers, and cut streamers. 
The kids had fun chasing each other with the jellyfish after they learned the tentacles can sting. 
After pretend play, they secured them in their alphabet books. I'm using a colored folder and plastic insert sheets to hold their projects.  You can print out an alphabet sheet for each letter for free at All Our Days.
Here are just a couple of examples of other projects we've completed:
A is for apple prints

Ee is for elbow painting

Have fun being creative and learning with your kids!

1 comment:

  1. I loved seeing your Alphabet Art Book projects! I'm so glad the printables have been a blessing to your family!


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!