Thursday, January 10, 2013

Indoor Snow Activity

Haven't had a chance to take your child out into the snow?  If you've been feeling guilty about that like this Momma, just bring the snow indoors!  Great activity for all ages.  The little one above (age 17 months) didn't get her hands cold, because she used the different tools that I provided.  She loved trying out different tools and testing the texture of the snow.

Little man (age 3) on the other hand kept putting his hands in the cold snow and even made a snowball.
As the snow melted, I asked him questions like, where do you think the snow is going and why do you think it is melting?  Where does snow come from? 
If you don't have snow, you can still have winter fun indoors with Artic Ice Sensory Play from No Time for Flash Cards.  (I just ordered my Artic animals to do this with little man. So excited!)
Simple activities for play and beginning Science!


  1. So fun! I got to try this with my boys! Cute pictures!

  2. Always fun to bring the snow inside!

  3. Did you have a little girl and I missed it, or are you babysitting? I meant to do this for my littlest and then the snow melted!


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