Monday, November 7, 2011

The Letter Oo

Little man loves the letter Oo.  I decided to skip to Oo and do some fun activities with him, being he likes this letter for some reason.  I love the way he says it- Ooooooooo.  Here are a few ideas for the letter Oo..

Bingo Dabber Oo

Oo is for ORANGE

Oo is for Octopus: Color Match

At first Little man put the blue on the pink octopus, but he found it on his second guess!    
These adorable octopi can be found at

Octopus coloring sheet- fun with markers!
You can find this coloring page here!

More Oo ideas..
-Cheerio fun- scoop, count, eat
-Oo with movement- make big shape with arms above head and sing O, oh, O, oh, O
-Put paint or pudding on wax paper and fingerpaint Oo
Jen :)

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