Thursday, November 10, 2011

Goodnight Gorilla

I've heard of this book before, but have never read it.  This morning little man and I came across it on youtube- adorable! 
I recommend this story for little ones.  I love the humor in the story and it was perfect timing for this video, because we just visited the zoo a couple of days ago and little man just adored the gorillas.  Yesterday, he had fun making a gorilla stick puppet.  He can even say "gorilla"- well sort of- he says - "orilla, orilla"  He made me play the video over and over.  "more, more!"

More fun...

Enjoy your day!


  1. This was C's absolute favorite book as a baby/toddler. We read it every single night. I used to pretend that the giraffe would bump his head on the ceiling in the zookeeper's house and C would crack up laughing every time. Now he is seven --- where did the time go???

  2. This book has been a family favorite for 8 years. My kids love looking for the banana and red balloon on each page of the book. I love the music in the video.


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!