Thursday, August 11, 2011

Star Fish Art

Last week, I posted about a book that we enjoyed titled Star of the Sea.  I didn't get a chance to post photos of the art project that was integrated with the literature, so I thought I'd share our finished creations today.

The book....
Star of the Sea: A Day in the Life of a Starfish

The art process....

The final product....

Artist: Sunshine- age 9

Artist: Peanut-age 7

 A little messy, but so much fun! 


For those who missed my last post, here is the links for instructions....

Our thanks goes out to Superheroes and Princesses, who shared the idea of marbled painting with shaving cream. Her children made a reading mural after painting fish. We painted starfish for our activity. I cut them out after drawing them on old Manila folders. The kids made backgrounds on poster board for their sea stars, too. So much fun!

Be sure to visit Superheroes and Princesses for more detailed instructions. She has a link to another blog that featured fall leaves with this same method of painting- very cool!


  1. That looks fun do you have directions on how to do it?

  2. so fun! is that puffy paint w/shaving cream? If so we LOVE that stuff - so much fun to paint with.

    would love to have you stop by the sunday showcase child centered linky party to share


  3. that's super cool! how did you do that?

  4. I'm sorry- I posted a link in my post I did on this book and activity before I had pictures of the art. I should have posted directions again. Here's the link:
    Thanks for stopping by ladies!!!

  5. Those look awesome and thank you for linking up to The SUnday Showcase!

  6. Congrats! You were featured at The Sunday Showcase this week!


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!