Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Compass Inn Museum: Our History Adventure

One last mini-vacation for the family! This past week the family traveled for a few days for some summer fun. Our first stop- The Compass Inn Museum.
We went back in time to the 1800's by touring the restored Inn that was furnished with artifacts from that time period. The common room, serving kitchen, ladies parlor, and bedrooms were toured.  We learned a lot about how people lived in the past and how different it was to travel and stay at a hotel in the 1820 compared to today! 

Besides touring the original Inn, we also had the opportunity to tour three reconstructed outbuildings: a cookhouse, blacksmith shop, and a barn.

Conestoga Wagon

Old sleds and Artifacts

Our tour guide... sharing information about the stagecoach with us.

Hmmm.... I wonder what is in here?? 

Bunny ears... really? And Peanut- where's your smile?

All this walking and learning- I'm pooped Mom and Dad!

A really neat glad that we went!  Even teacher Mom learned a lot.  Sunshine (age 9) seemed to be really interested and asked a lot of questions. She has been "into" history lately. Peanut (age 7) really enjoyed the Museum, but commented about 1/2 way through that "my brain is full."  All in all- a beautiful day for learning and spending time together.  (scolded a bit for sneaking in learning during our vacation.  he, he)

Take Care,

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