Thursday, July 7, 2011

ABC Discovery Bags

Good Morning!  I've started planning some beginning ABC activities for little man for the fall.  I'll be cyber-schooling the girls again, so while they are working, I thought it would be fun to share a different letter with him each week. (more for play and exposure.)  I've seen a lot of great ABC fun around the web.   I decided to make ABC discovery bags for Little man.  You have probably seen this idea, but I thought I'd share how I decided to organize it. 
ABC discovery bin: $ tree plastic bin, white labels, Ziploc baggies, and small toys (surprised how much I actually found around the house)

The Cc bag: C is for comb, cars, coin, camera, crown, candle, crayon, carrots, cat, cow, and Cookie Monster

I think these bags will be great for practicing letter sounds and language development. Plus, it will be fun for him to discover new toys each week!

I shared this idea here....

Quirky momma

Enjoy your day, Jen 


  1. What do you have in your Q X Y Z bags? I have been working on something like this for my son but am stuck for some of these letters. I need some extra ideas! :)


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!