Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Paper Towel Name Practice

Little man rolled out my paper towels this morning and chanted happily... "Mom, I made a road." 

Momma's reaction.. "Aww Man, that's my last roll of paper towels.. you should really ask first."

So I decided to do something useful with little man's road.  On each square, I wrote  a letter to his name.  He jumped on each letter as I said it.

"Just like hopscotch, Mommy!"

So if your kiddo gets into trouble, who know maybe you can turn it into a learning opportunity.

Enjoy your day!


1 comment:

  1. like your creativity fast thinking , hope when my daughter grow & begin to play by herself i can do such things :) Nice day to u too :)


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!