Monday, October 22, 2012

Life Beyond the Electronics!

So what happens when you take the kids away
for a weekend without television or electronics? 
Yes, I said no electronics! 
Here's what happens.. the creative and curious juices get a flowin'! 
And my kids thought that life would stop without their
DSI and computer and Wii...
Well look at them now....

Exploring nature

Looking for Elk
Hiking with Momma
Looking for inspiration for journal writing

 A sample of Peanut's journal writing after hiking (age 8)
Learning about animals
Building structures with crayons
Playing cards- Old Maid
And...enjoying the fall leaves
What do your kids enjoy doing when the electronic "stuff" is put
away for the day or weekend?

1 comment:

  1. JDaniel plays a lot more and tends to fuss less. I need to have an non-electronics day!


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!