Saturday, September 1, 2012

Pinterest Find: Fall Tree Paintings

Some may think it is a little early to be painting fall trees, but when I saw this art project on Pinterest, I just had to do it with my son and a couple of new friends.  It was a hit with all three of the kids who thought that it was pretty cool to paint with q-tips.  
La classe della maestra estre Valentina
The above pic is the pin that I used as a guide for this project.  Please be sure to visit the link above to view the process. 

Artwork by LM(2.5) and M(3)
I think we'll be painting with q-tips again... easy clean up for sure! Have you started any fall crafts with your kiddos?


1 comment:

  1. I have this one pinned too! Glad to hear it's easy to clean up ;)


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