Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My Well Being

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of My Well-Being Powered by Humana for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

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My Well-Being, a website powered by Humana, focuses on more than just your health.  As parents, it is important that we take care of not only our families but our own well being- our health, our finances, and our leisure time.

At times, I must admit, I haven't been very good about this.  I've put my finances on a back-burner and paid bills late or maybe haven't invested as wisely as I should have.  Also, I've made sure that I have plenty of time to take care of my family, husband, and sometimes the house, but have forgotten about myself and nuturing my interests and friendships.  This is where I think this website will be helpful.  How can I take care of my own health and wellness so that I can be a better mother, wife, and friend?

Once you join this community, you can personalilze your experience by taking a Well Being Assessment.  It focuses on these four areas: Health, Money, People, and Play.  The area that I found that I need to focus on from my assessment was the area of Money.  Articles on organizing my finances and budgeting should be helpful.  Other articles that I enjoyed reading included 10 Ways to Find More Happiness and Organzing the Family.

To find out more aboutt My Well Being, be sure to view the video below.  It didn't take long to register for the site and one of the perks to registering is a FREE Dummies book.  So check out My Well Being.  Let me know if you sign up and what articles you are interested in reading.

About MyWell-Being from mywell-being on Vimeo.


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