Saturday, August 18, 2012

Yogi Bear Jellystone Park 2012

Such a great trip...tenting, cooking over the fire, hay rides, swimming,water slides, tubing, dancing, fire-truck rides and of course visiting the bears... Cindy Bear, Boo Bear, and Yogi Bear!

Little man and Daddy at our campsite!

 Mmmm... ice cream for Mommy and her little man!

Do you like to camp with your family? 
Great for exploring nature and creating fun memories.

Enjoy your weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Yellowstone is at the top of my vacation destinations spots... but I've never actually camped there! We always go the easy way with hotels... I have a hard time getting my mind around an actual camping trip with the kids. I think I'm just not organized enough!


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!