Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Make Your Own Chewing Gum Kit-Review and Giveaway

My kids LOVE to make things... their own chocolate candy, cakes, popsicles- you name it!  So when I had the opportunity to review A Make Your Own Chewing Gum Kit, I knew that they would be thrilled. 

First, we read background information about chicle, the sap that comes from Sapodilla trees in the rainforest.  The kit came with this information and a short story about a worker in the rainforest and how he collects the sap from the trees.  It also shared about how we can contribute to saving rainforests by supporting workers.  My girls found this very interesting.

The kit includes the following: chicle gum base, confectioner's sugar, corn syrup packet, 2 flavor packets, and a black plastic pan

After reading the instructions, we prepped the dining room table.  I taped wax paper down, but you could use a cutting board or other clean, flat surface. You do need a rolling pin or bottle.

To soften the chicle, the kids microwaved it and stirred it.  Then they added the softened corn syrup. Yes, it has corn syrup and confectioner's sugar, but at least it is all natural. (no chemicals or synthetic ingredients) I liked that they included a container to heat the material, because it is very sticky.

Little man got in on the action, too!  He's stirring the chicle here and syrup. Is he tasting it, too? 

The kids had fun kneading the chicle mixture with the confectioner's sugar!  I loved how all of the kids could get involved even though the suggested age is for 8 and up!  Little man is lucky to have two older siblings to help him.

After flattening the gum, I did let my 10 year old use a cutting knife to cut it.  Carefully, of course!

Now for the ultimate question!  Did they like the taste of the bubble gum?  Hmmm.  What do you think?

They made bubble gum and cherry flavored and gave both
 a thumbs up.

A messy, but oh so fun activity to do with your kids!

To purchase:
All Natural Glee Gum and Make Your Own Candy Kits.

For a free coupon for glee gum....
To win...
I'm giving away one Make Your Own Candy Kit!  You can choose from three kits: Make Your Own Chewing Gum Kit, Make Your Own Chocolate Kit, or Make Your Own Gummies Kit.
Enter by visiting Glee Gum's website.  Come back and comment about which kit you'd like to win.  Be sure to include a contact email or blog address.

For extra entries:
Follow Creative and Curious Kids on google friend connect.
Like Creative and Curious Kids on facebook.
Like Glee Gum on facebook.
Like Creative and Curious Kids on Twitter.
Like Glee Gum on Twitter.
Create a blog post sharing this giveaway. (2 entries)

Good luck! Excited to be able to share one of these kits with my readers!
Contest ends  8/4/2012- (Continental US only) 


Disclaimer: I was compensated with one kit to review.  There was no monetary compensation given for the above post.  All opinions are my own and my childrens' and may differ from other's.


  1. Great giveaway! Thanks for hosting!

    My Ella would love the gummie kit! I also love that being as natural as possible is a priority!



  2. We'd like to try the Gummies kit!

  3. The chewing gum kit would be fun!

    Looks like the kids really enjoyed it! Great pictures :)

    I follow via GFC

  4. Oh! Now, if I were a proper grandma, I would think of my grandgoobers and wonder which kit they might like should I be the lucky winner of this awesome giveaway. But I'm selfish and I want the gummies kit for myself. I'm 50 going on 8. I'd make sure to have adult supervision. :)

    I've liked both Creative and Curious Kids and Glee Gum on Facebook.

    I don't want to post my email addy for the bots to snatch. I'll be eagerly checking your blog and FB page to see who the lucky winner is. I'll contact you when I see my name. :)

  5. well, that looks super fun! I' think we'd like to try the chewing gum kit, too. :)

  6. I'd love to win the chewing gum kit. I've tried the chocolate one. It's pretty cool

  7. like creative and curious kids on facebook (Angie B.)

    angiewith3 at live dot com

  8. Follow creative and curious kids on twitter as @angiewith3

    angiewith3 at live dot com

  9. Follow glee gum on twitter as @angiewith3

    angiewith3 at live dot com


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!