Monday, May 21, 2012

Zoo, Zoo, Zoo...

We are going to the zoo on Thursday, so I decided to focus on zoo animals this week!  Today we had fun...

 -reading zoo books
 -creating a zoo scene with stickers
 -eating zoo animal crackers

Here's what we had fun reading...

 Tomorrow we will read...

We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo....

Stay tuned for more zoo fun this week!

ps.  Any great zoo books or activities that you recommend?



  1. Great collection of zoo books! I'm thinking I need to make going to the zoo a high priority on our to do list :) the zoo is the best!

  2. Depending on the age...Sam Who Never Forgets this sweet and could easily serve as a great story and a good reader. Color Zoo is a bit of a baby board book BUT opens up a great activity with shapes. We are also getting ready to do our zoo unit. ^_^

  3. What great books!!
    Hope you had a great time at the zoo - I know how much my little ones love going!

  4. I finally thought of the one that I couldn't think of when I read this post. Dear Zoo by Rod Cambell- it's a great zoo book!


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!