Saturday, April 14, 2012

Yeah, It's Party Time!

Ultimate Blog Party 2012

It's that time of year- time to party around the blogosphere!  I've participated in UBP in years past and it's so much fun.  It's great to take the time and read new blogs, meet new cyber friends, and hopefully win big prizes!  If you've never participated in the Ultimate blog party, you'll have to check it out. 

If you are coming over from the UBP, WELCOME!!  Here is a little bit about me, my family, and my blog.

I'm Jen!
I'm a tad bit silly for my age- just playing charades with the kiddos!
Meet Sunshine and Peanut!
This is how litlte my girlies were when I started this blog! 
tear, tear...
just 5 and 3 years old!

Here they are today.. turning 8 and 10. Yikes!

This photo was taken right before a Taylor Swift Concert! See I can look mature, too. he, he!

Meet Little Man!
Loves to paint... age 2- a terrific two (on most days!)

AND now meet my better half... love for most of my life.
Met him when I was just about 15 years old.
Recent pic with little man on his baptism day- there's my hubby on the right! 
Met him in a grocery store in 1986. Yes.. 26 years ago!

Okay... now a litlte bit about Creative and Curious Kids!  What will you find here? 
-learning ideas for toddlers to Elementary aged kids
-fun ways to inspire creativity
-toddler fun (ABC,123,sensory, fine motor..)
-book suggestions with activities
-higher level thinking and activities that nuture curiousity 

I have a background in education and enjoy sharing with other parents and teachers. And learning from them, of course! Also, I school my kiddos at home via cyberschool, so I often share some of their learning experiences. I'm also the keeper of The Messy Nest (my new blog focusing on my organizational/decluttering goals) and I share Christian ideas/thoughts over at God's Shining Stars. So basically I'm one busy woman who you'll find all over the place!

Facebook-Creative and Curious Kids!
Twitter- @JenScreative

I enjoy writing weekly for ..

I hope that you'll stay awhile and take some time to get to know Creative and Curious Kids! Lots of fun to be had over here in our little neck of the blogosphere. Let me know if you are stopping over from UBP and if you are a new follower!

So glad that you took the time to stop by!



  1. Hey Jen! Thanks for stopping by! You have a beautiful family! Looking forward to following along with your blog!

  2. That is very cool! You don't even look 26 much less that you met your husband that long ago. You rock! You seem like such a fun mommy! Following from the Ultimate Blog Party :)

  3. I'm visiting from the UBP. I look forward to looking around your site more there looks like so much my boys would be interested in. I hope you'll come visit us.

  4. Sounds like a busy and fun life! We are similar in that we are Christians and we homeschool as well. Always nice to meet someone else passionate about that!

    Hope you have fun at the party this week and that you'll stop by and say hi when you get a chance!


  5. Hi Jen, although I visit on and off I enjoyed learning more about your family today. You had me trying to figure out how long I've known my husband...18 years, so not as long as you. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! - Janelle

  6. Heehee, you look like fun. :) You're all gorgeous.

  7. Hi Jen, just stopping by from the UBP and wanted to say hello! You guys are a gorgeous family :)
    Have a happy weekend!

  8. Hopping over from UBP. Glad I made it & met you. I already pinned one of your ideas and subscribed to your blog. Lots of good ideas.

    Stop by when you get a chance

    Kerry Beck

  9. Great post! Your blog, and family, look like great fun to hang around. #UBP12


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!