Monday, April 23, 2012

Create a Multiple Intelligences Center

My storage room is filled with teaching supplies from my good old teaching days.  This comes in handy when working with my own children.  One of the gems that I pulled out recently was a Multiple Intelligences center that I used with my former students. 

Each pocket is labeled with the different intelligences and gives a short description of what each intelligence means. Inside each pocket are activities that focus on that particular intelligence. The theme for this center is friendship.

My original center included mathematical and linguistic intelligences as well.  I just decided to focus on these for now.

Here are a some of examples of the activities...

Spatial Intelligence: Create a map that shows how to get to your friends home.
Interpersonal Intelligence: List 8 qualities of great friend.  Create a flower and label each petal with a quality.
Intrapersonal Intelligence: Have you ever hurt a friends feelings?  Describe how you felt.  Create a story or cartoon to share.
Bodily/Kinesthetic: You haven't seen a friend for a long time.  Act out what you will say. Create a cheer to great your friend.
Naturalistic Intelligence: How are things in nature like friendship? Come up with one or more ways. 1. friend/butterfly  2. friendship/bumpy road 3. friendship/ flower

(I'm not 100% sure where I got this activity- possibly Challenge Magazine.)

If you'd like to create your own MI center and need ideas for activities, I found a great chart. Teacher Vision also has a helpful chart with activities that tap into each intelligence.  I think the first step would be coming up with a theme and then planning from there.  Also, please feel free to drop me an email if you have any questions.  I worked as a Gifted Support/Enrichment teacher and enjoy coming up with ideas!

Have an awesome day!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post! I teach the second grade at a school for gifted children and we always the begin the year with a study of the multiple intelligences. I love the idea of focusing on Friendship through the MI's! Is there any chance that I could get a print out of the other activities that you do related to Friendship and the MI's? My email is:
    Thank you again for this great idea!!


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!