Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cc is for Clouds

This week we focused on the letter Cc! 
Clouds are so much fun to learn about, so we focused on this theme. 

Little man with his cloud puppet.
He enjoyed gluing the cotton balls on his cloud. 
We also sang the song from my last cloud post.

The cirrus clouds we observed were pretty!

Letter Cc craft

Materials: paint, cotton balls, Cc template

Directions:I printed out a Cc template onto card stock.
Next, I let little man paint the Cc's. He used blue and purple paint. I
After the paint dried, I cut out the Cc's. 
Lastly, Little man and I stretched some cotton balls and glued them on the Cc's.

Happy cloud watching!


Stephen Beck said...

Love the cloud activities & book suggestions. Thanks.

Kerry Beck

Jen said...

Glad you like the activities! Thanks for stopping by today.


Anonymous said...

I love your cloud puppet! What great way to pretend the cloud is moving!

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