Sunday, March 4, 2012

Density Experiments for Kids

Oil and Colored Water = fun for little ones!  My 7 year old is studying properties of matter, so we explored concepts of density and liquids by combining water and oil. 

After making a prediction, she combined the two liquids to see what would happen.  She even got little man involved (age 26 mths) who enjoyed swirling the colored mixture. My daughter thought it was interesting that the oil floated to the top of the mixture once it settled and the colored water was on the bottom.  We discussed her prediction and compared it to her results.

"What would happen if I added apple juice, Mom?  How about Milk?"  I let her experiment.  Here's the final result, which she thought was super cool!

For more Science Fun...

Steve Spangler Science

Happy experimenting with your curious kids!


  1. Science with kids is my all time favorite!
    This looks like a ton of fun!

  2. What a great hands on science experiment. I love that your daughter was able to try out lots of her own ideas while doing the activity. Thanks for linking up with the Kids Co-Op!

    Emily Kate @ Second Story Window

  3. What a fun experiment!!! Would like to invite you to share this with us at Sharing Saturday here..

    Thanks so much and have a great weekend,

  4. What a great experiment!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday! I hope you will share with us again this week!

  5. Such fun! I love that you let them follow thru with their questions and experiment with different liquids! I found you thru the weekly kids co-op. Thanks for sharing.

    Scribble Doodle and Draw


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!