Thursday, March 29, 2012

Chick-fil-A Active Games for the Family and Giveaway

My children adore Chick-fil-A! Even little man asked to go the other day after seeing the famous cow on television, which made me giggle.

"Chick-fil-A momma- I go."

Another thing that my kids adore is family night- whether it be a game or a movie. I'm always looking for new ideas to make these times together fun.  Well, Chick-fil-A shares some fun ways to get active with your family. 

Now for the giveaway!  Win a free kids meal! (I have 3 to give away to my readers) Just leave a comment sharing your favorite activity from the Old School Board above and a way for me to contact you. Easy peasy! (be sure to comment before 4/6/2012)

What other ideas do you have for family fun?


Disclaimer- I didn't receive any compensation for this post.  Just the opportunity to give away a few kids' meals and share ideas! 


  1. Hide & Seek is my fave.
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  2. Kick the Can is the best neighborhood game ever!! I told my kids about it last year and plan to play it this summer!! Chick-fil-A is delicious!

  3. I like Hide and Seek



Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!