Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Cereal Bowl Head

Really, buddy?  I really wasn't planning on bathing you this morning, but now that you have milk on your head, I guess that's the new plan.
Little man is very creative with his head gear.  Did you see him with the bucket on his head?  He's even been caught with a lamp shade at one time or another. 

Look at me Mom, I can balance it on my head!

Don't worry- I know that I grabbed the camera to take pics, but I still made time to have a discussion with my 2 year old about why we don't put cereal bowls on our heads.  Sometimes I just can't help myself and I have to get that funny pic.

Happy (almost) Wordless Wednesday!
For more W.W. fun be sure to visit 5 Minutes for Mom.

Happy Leap Day, too! Take a peek at our leap day plans, if you didn't get a chance to visit this week.



  1. It's all about experimentation! That's a fine looking red bowl. Who wouldn't want to wear one?

  2. That's awesome! My dude puts silly things on his head all the time but so far nothing quite that messy :)


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