Thursday, February 16, 2012

Rr is for Robot ...

Little man LOVES robots, so it was easy for me to pick my Rr craft for him- a life size robot.  Well, at least toddler size! 

Make your own robot...

Materials: glue stick, construction paper, and scissors.  Pre-cute shapes and the letter Rr. 

Talk to your child about the letter Rr.  Show him or her the parts of the robot.  Discuss the shapes and colors as your child glues the parts together. 

Robot coloring page

I'm sure you can find something better, but this page I drew made little man happy!

We also pretended to be robots and walked around singing..
"I'm a little robot.  I'm a little robot."

Robots Around the Web....

Books I want to explore...

Robot ideas or links?  Please share!


1 comment:

  1. Crafts that incorporate letters are so awesome! So glad that you linked this to Things I've Done Thursday~


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!