Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fine Motor Fun

Little man is distracted by SWIPER here- such a funny pic! He's obsessed with Dora and Diego lately. 

Another activity he's been enjoyed this week... 

           Plastic coffee stirrer from Dollar Tree
Ziploc plastic container
Poke holes
Fine motor fun for little one!

Enjoy your day!


  1. LOOK at him using those tweezers! Wow! How awesome!

    Love the coffee stirrer stick idea. Can't wait to try it.

    PS N is obsessed with Dora and Swiper too. Can't stop talking about it. =)

  2. What great ideas I love them! the look of concentration is priceless!!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog:) It looks like you're a very frugal and creative mom as well! I wish I'd had some of these ideas when my kids were littler!!

  4. Those are great ideas for keeping the little ones busy..may "Swipe" some of these ideas for my little girl.

  5. Great ideas ... and adorable photos! I love the idea of using coffee stirrers, too!


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!