Saturday, January 28, 2012

Valentine's Day Plans

I've been sick the last couple of days-found out today that I have strep throat, so I've had plenty of time to Pin.  Do you use Pinterest? One of my boards that is getting quite full is my Valentine's Day section.  There are so many adorable ideas out there!  I can't seem to stop pinning them, so I thought that I'd come up with a plan- a Valentine's Day bucket list of things that I must do....  things that I think will bring happiness to myself and to others!

#1 I MUST make a cute wreath for my front door!
Not sure what I'm going to do yet, but here are a couple of possibilities....

She's (kinda) Crafty
#2 Dessert on Valentine's Day, we will be having!

                                            from Ramblings of a Crazy Woman

I bought heart gummies that I'm going to attach with tooth pics for the antennae and I already purchased the cupcakes. My kids are going to LOVE this- can't wait!

#3 I fell in love with this the two garland crafts (below) a couple of weeks ago-
I hope that I'll follow through on making one of them.
I guess it depends how hard it's going to be to make the wreath!
But I love, love, love these.......

Make and Takes

brown paper packages

Well, that's all I'm going to share for now. I have a few more things up my sleeve for the kiddos and hubby.

If you want to see more of the goodies that I've pinned, be sure to follow me over at Pinterest and check out my Valentine's Day board! 

Happy Pinning and Crafting!


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