Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Cookie Monster Birthday Party!

Little man turned 2 or as he would say.. "twooooooo" last week! We threw him a Cookie Monster/Sesame Street themed birthday party.  All of the toddlers/preschoolers seemed to have a great time!  I kept it small, because I wanted them to enjoy each other and not be so overwhelmed.  Also, I knew we would be having a lot of family over the next evening as well.
Here are a couple of pictures and ideas if you are interested in throwing your own Cookie Monster party....

I baked the cupcakes and printed out clip art that I pasted to card stock. Then I attached them to toothpicks to put in the cupcakes.  For favors, I used cookie crisp cereal that I wrapped in small bags. (see the Sesame Street cups) Also, I wrapped little Sesame Street books for each child that I found at the dollar tree.

Love this Cookie Monster balloon that I found at the local party store!

For Games and Activities...
We played feed Cookie monster a cookie. (our version of pin the tail of the donkey) I made the Cookie Monster above with poster board and construction paper.  The cookies I already had from a great Sesame Street Learning Kit that I had purchased on Time for Tots. (kit shown below)

We also sang C is for Cookie and danced to Sesame Street music.  Lots of Sesame Street toddler toys for play and coloring pages, too!

Yeah, my little man turned 2!  Hi five for Mommy!

Happy 2nd Birthday to my little man! Boy have these two years flown by! He brings so much joy to our household.
Enjoy your day!


  1. So cute! And I love that you are wearing an oscar shirt! Happy birthday again to your son!

  2. So cute! I love the feed the cookie to Cookie game.

    Happy Birthday to your little man! It does seem like he was just born.

  3. Twooooo! Hooray! =) So fun! Thanks for the mention of the Sesame Street Learning Kit.

    Love the way you used clipart to make the cupcake toppers. We had a sesame street party planned and switched to a dora theme a few weeks ago. We will see how it goes. LOVE this age!

  4. its lovely! it is great to see a lot of fun.
    Clowns in Broward


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!