Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Cc is for Cookie!

For our Cc week, little man and I enjoyed a Cookie Monster Day!  He calls him "Cook Cook".  Funny thing is, I've exposed him to A, B, and C so far, but the letter that he recognizes is Oo.  It is so cute- he keeps pointing out the Os that he sees in books and tries to draw one with his little scribbles.  I've always let the kids guide me when they were little with their learning based on their interests- I'll need to remember this with little man, too.

Here are a few of the activities that we enjoyed together........

Cookie Monster Bingo Marker Page
from Making Learning Fun

Cookie Monster Toilet Roll Craft from DKLT

Thank you, lil Mop Top for the awesome cookie monster game!
Cookie Monster Game

And you can't have Cookie Monster Day without hearing Cookie Monster sing....

Enjoy your day... Cooookies!!! Yum, yum, yum!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. My son loves N for his name Noah. He thinks every N spells his name though... trying to explain that there are other words that start with N!


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!