Thursday, August 25, 2011

You Can Name 100 Trucks!

 Little Man's new love..... You Can Name 100 Trucks!

Recently, we checked this out of our local library.  Little man hasn't been able to put it down.  It has pages of different trucks on it- 100 to be exact.  They are pictured in different scenes and labeled.  He'll sit by himself on the coach and look at it.  He calls them car-cars, even though they are trucks.  At one time he did call them trucks, but now everything with wheels is a car-car now.  He'll flip through the book and chatter- "big car-car...... red car-car..."  Then he'll hand me the book, so that I can tell him the actual names of the trucks as he points at them. 

I thought I'd share this book, being it has been such a hit with him.  Maybe you have a truck lover at home, too.  While I was searching for a pic of this book, I noticed that there were more books in this series.

You Can Name 100 Cars, Trains, Boats And Planes 

You Can Name 100 Dinosaurs!

We'll have to check out these two book next trip to the library!

I hope you enjoy your day,

1 comment:

  1. Had to stop by when I saw the title on Twitter. My son loves trucks! Definitely going to look for this book!


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!