Sunday, July 24, 2011

Home Again, Home Again....

We had a wonderful week, but it's always nice to be home. We survived the heat wave by spending days at the lake. Our week included investigations, tree swings, eating goodies, dancing, swimming, sand play, and more!! I'll let our vacation pics speak for themselves......

Rock play
Flowers, flowers, flowers...
Grasshopper, anyone?

I'll get you hopper-if it's the last thing I do!

Beware of flying bugs- wear your goggles while swinging!

In his element- couldn't be happier!
Keeping Cool


Don't worry- Daddy's got you!

Corn on the cob- anyone??

Look, no hands, Mom!

I can eat it too, I'm a big boy now!

Ice cream everyday- Doctor's orders!
(warnings-  do not do this when you get home. 
For vacation only!)

Mommy's little man! 

On the road again.....

So much fun, but camp always wipes us out! Night, night!
I hope that you enjoyed your week! 
Here is  sneak peek of what's to come on Creative and Curious Kids....
  • Review - Paint by Numbers Program
  • Fun Chores for Little Ones: The Toddler Times!
  • Wordless Wednesday- Green Haired Baby
  • Meet Super Kitty!
  • How Does Your Garden Grow? 
Jen :)


  1. Jennifer! I loved this post! What a great way to spend the summer! What lake did you go to?

  2. That looks like a very enjoyable time! That last shot is too adorable!

  3. Cute pictures. It looks like you had a wonderful vacation. Love the goggle/swing picture.
    Little Wonders' Days


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!