Saturday, July 16, 2011

Fizz, Bubble, POP!

What a fun week- playing at the park, eating ice-cream, picnics, reading good books, swimming, freeze pops, and at the end of the week- Science Fun!  Over at Superheroes and Princesses, they have been having fizzy fun all week.  After reading about their experiment-a fizzy explosion, I knew we had to try it.  How excited was I to find everything we needed in the kitchen. (doesn't always happen this way) 

Be sure to visit her site to find a great experiment sheet that has all of the directions with question and other experimenting ideas. My girls had fun experimenting on their own after they followed the activity directions.  What would happen if I put more baking soda or less water?
Okay, little man is a bit young for this activity, but he couldn't stay away.  Do you blame him? fizzing, bubbling, and exploding Ziploc bags!!  He watched and giggled as the bag fizzled and popped. 

Thank you Superheroes and Princesses for the inspiration this week! We had a lot of fun.  :)

Also, be sure to visit Play Academy for more fun play and learning ideas. (linky)

Enjoy your day!


  1. My goodness! Your family is getting so big! It looks like everyone is having such a great time. How much fun is baking soda and vinegar?

  2. Glad you had fun with this! My kids love to put their hands in the fizzing liquid too!


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!